
Brook Trout in the Western US Rivers

This brook trout was caught in the western united state, Wyoming. Although this beautiful little trout is gorgeous in their coloration and is a perfect match for a small fly rod. The appearance of him is not a good sign for the local ecosystem, regard to the preservation of biodiversity. Invasive species is what a conservationist call them - brook trout in the west, as well as the brown trout in the whole US, whole south hemisphere (no native trout in the south). Historically, the brook trout only distributed in the eastern part of the US. Started from the south of Appalachia range of Northern Georgia all the way through Great smoky mountain, Maine into Canada. There are also another sea run form of brook trout still thriving in the upper northeast....(to be continued...)


troutbirder said...

wondering what damage they cause? They are endemic thoughout small mountain feeder streams in Montana.


Thanks for stopping by, troutbirder. I should have finished the story... : ( I am too lazy...

The main reason that those fish are not good to the river is because they are competing the river resources (space and food)with other native species (cutthroat trout in this case). For instance, there are only certain space and food can sustain certain amount of fish in the river. ( It is called "carrying capacity" in more scientific term.) If those non-native species have successfully settled down in the river or creek. It will take out that certain amount of spots (capacity) from the native fish. This means the native fish population have been decreased. So if the brook trout have reproduced in the western rivers. That mean the cutthoat trout population should have decreased.

Other damage includes genetic comtanination (hybridization) between difference species or subspecies. Predatory behavior...

I think the montana brook trout maybe is a wild fish (naturally reporduced and self sustain population), but they are not "endemic" or "native" fish. I believe the brook trout never make their way to the rockies historially... I will attached more information later... Thanks.



Westsidefly said...

Beautiful picture Yuhina! That brookie compliments that glass nicely!- Dennis

T. Brook Smith said...

This is an excellent post and it strikes at a major problem in sport fishing.

Yes, the fish is beautiful, but it is harming native species and its' overall impact is negative.

While I was the Science Director of the Illinois Smallmouth Alliance, I wrote a set of principles that deals with the problems of invasives (smallmouth bass are often an invasive too).

Check it out and see what you think.
